So, I’m 33 now, I’ve been 33 for a whole 33 hours nearly- well less really if you take into account time zones and things like that, but either way you slice it, it’s happened. In my mind, I’m officially a grown up age.

32 was always the age of no return for me- my parents were both 32 when I was born so I’ve always felt it was the age when I would be a grown up, the age where I would be a “fully formed adult”. Well, I was right in a lot of ways, 32 was a big year and the year I grew up a lot and experienced grief and loss and uncertainty and I guess all of those things I suppose makes you into an adult no matter when you experience them whether its 18, 25, 32 or 42.

But here I am, 33, the morning after the night before if you will. 33 will be a good year, a banner year. I already know this even though I don’t know all of what it has in store.

My actual 33rd birthday was quite good- I tried on my first wedding dress, quite a magical moment in the wedding planning process. I did my best “Say Yes to the Dress” impersonation, “this is NOT my dress”- I could barely stand up under layers of fluff- ick! The Runner and I had dinner at Chiswick in Woollahra and I had my first Bombe Alaska- yum!!!!!! It might not be a dessert you can order on an airplane but it was yum! I was given a cupcake at work, missed out on Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone Day but I’ve managed to pick up a cold/flu. Much like life, my day was full of ups and downs.

I’m not complaining, I’m 33 and grown up enough to take the good with the bad! Here’s to a good year and thanks for all the birthday wishes!